Innovazione e tradizione al Goodwood Festival of Speed 2024: viaggio nell’evoluzione dell’automobilismo
Il Goodwood Festival of Speed, che si svolge nel 2024 dall’11 al 14 luglio presso il Goodwood House, è un evento imperdibile per gli appassionati di automobilismo di tutto il mondo. Quest’anno, il tema principale “Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power” celebra oltre 130 anni di innovazioni nella propulsione automobilistica, dalle prime vetture senza cavalli alle moderne tecnologie ibride ed elettriche. Questo tema è centrale in tutte le attività del festival, inclusi i momenti clou sulla celebre Hillclimb e le esposizioni all’interno del Future Lab, che presenta le ultime innovazioni tecnologiche.
Un punto di grande interesse del festival è la presentazione di auto d’epoca restaurate. Non ci sono soltanto vetture storiche riportate a nuova vita da opportuni restauri, ma anche ricreazioni di auto non più esistenti, a cura delle stesse Case automobilistiche. Quest’anno, in tal senso, una vera rarità è la Auto Union Type 52, progettata da Ferdinand Porsche negli anni ’30, che rappresenta una delle vetture più innovative e meno conosciute dell’epoca pre-bellica. Si trattava di un’evoluzione stradale delle auto da corsa Auto Union Type A e Type C, ed era quindi dotata di un motore V16 centrale, una caratteristica rivoluzionaria per quei tempi. Con un motore V16 da 4.4 litri e compressore Roots, ma anche con un’aerodinamica particolarmente curata, la Type 52 prometteva prestazioni eccezionali; tuttavia, a causa della Seconda Guerra Mondiale e delle difficoltà economiche seguenti, il progetto non fu mai completato e solo pochi prototipi furono costruiti e testati. La ricostruzione ha richiesto un intenso lavoro di ricerca e l’uso di tecnologie moderne per replicare fedelmente le specifiche originali. Il festival ospita anche il Bonhams Cars Festival of Speed Sale, che permette di ammirare e acquistare alcune vetture d’epoca.
Non solo celebrazione del passato, ma anche una piattaforma per il lancio di nuovi modelli di auto: tra questi, sono da segnalare Aston Martin DBX707, Alpine A290, Audi RS E-Tron GT Performance, BMW M4 CS, Bentley Continental GT Speed, BMW M5, BMW XM Label 750PS , BYD Seal U DM-i, JLR Defender Octa, Mercedes G580 EQ , la famiglia Genesis Magma, Honda Prelude, Lamborghini Urus SE, Lotus Emeya R, Mini JCW E, Porsche Macan Turbo e Cayenne GTS, Tesla Cybertruck, Yangwang U8. Le auto, che in gran parte impiegano tecnologie elettriche o ibride, offrono un’anteprima delle tecnologie più avanzate nel settore automobilistico.
Oltre alle auto, il festival rende omaggio a figure e team leggendari del motorsport, come Niki Lauda e il team Shadow. La celebrazione di Niki Lauda include una parata speciale con molte delle auto di Formula 1 da lui guidate, mentre la commemorazione del team Shadow segna il 50° anniversario della vittoria nel campionato Can-Am.
Per ulteriori dettagli e per scaricare i video delle auto presenti al Goodwood Festival of Speed, soprattutto in circuito, si può visitare il sito ufficiale del Goodwood Festival of Speed.

Crowds in front of the central feature at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Saturday July 13, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: Matt Alexander/PA Wire.

Sidecar action at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Saturday July 13, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: Matt Alexander/PA Wire.

Richard Petty’s 1970 Plymouth Superbird at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Friday July 12, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: Matt Alexander/PA Wire.

NASCAR driver Richard Petty in a Fiat S76 at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Saturday July 13, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: John Nguyen/PA Media Assignments.

A drift car at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Saturday July 13, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: Matt Alexander/PA Wire.

Drivers put on a display at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Friday July 12, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: Matt Alexander/PA Wire.

Drivers put on a display at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Friday July 12, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: Matt Alexander/PA Wire.

Cars at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Saturday July 13, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: John Nguyen/PA Media Assignments.

Hillclimb action at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Saturday July 13, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: Matt Alexander/PA Wire.

A car passes the central feature at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Saturday July 13, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: John Nguyen/PA Media Assignments.

A curator at the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, which takes place in the parkland surrounding Goodwood House in West Sussex. Picture date: Saturday July 13, 2024. PA Photo. The event champions future mobility and technology and this year celebrates 130 years of motoring innovation with the theme ‘Horseless to Hybrid – Revolutions in Power’. The event runs from July 11-14. Picture credit should read: Matt Alexander/PA Wire.